
Just Crazed

Crazy in Love or Just Crazed?
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Nearly six months since our beautiful wedding day, we're happily living the life of newlyweds. Do you know what has surprised me the most? The amount of work that comes after the wedding. This is the dirty little secret that nobody bothered to tell me. I was thrilled to banish our wedding to-do list to the deep depths of some random drawer but our post-wedding to-do list is a close rival.

Here is our Post-Wedding Laundry List:

1. Decide on name change & make it official. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't count.
2. Pick an image for thank you card & order those puppies.
3. Write said thank you cards. I can hardly wait!
4. Choose images for your wedding album. Mission impossible.
5. Clean & preserve wedding gown. Or figure out how to wear it again :-)
6. Finish submissions to wedding blogs. It's my dream to be a Wedding Grad on APW.

We have some serious post-wedding work ahead of us. As of today, we have completed Task #2. Go team!!!!

Are we crazy in love or just crazed? It depends on the moment.


  1. Oh the thank you cards...no thank you. Just take it one day at a time!

  2. At this rate, we'll still be working on this list by our 10th anniversary! Sigh. I suppose it will get done, just like the wedding to-do list.


Hi, Lovely! Your kind comments are most welcome & always appreciated. XOXO

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